Homophones for bait, bate, bete, beth

bait / bate / bete / beth [beit]

bait – n. – 1. food used to entice prey; 2. an allurement; something intended to tempt or entice; 3. archaic – a halt or a journey for refreshments

bate – v. tr. – 1.to restrain, make less strong; 2. to beat down or away; 3. to lower in weight, amount, estimation; to reduce; 4. to lessen in force or intensity; 5. to omit, leave out of count; except

bete – n. – a person or thing one particularly dislikes or fears

beth (bet) – n. – 1. the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet; 2. the letter of the Phoenician or of any various other semitic alphabets corresponding to the Hebrew beth