balks / bawks / bocks / box [bɔks]
balks – n. pl. & 3rd sing pres. of balk - n. – 1. hindrances, stumbling blocks; 2. rafters or beams used for building; 3. ridges left unploughed between furrows; v. intr. – refuses to go on (often followed by “at”); 2. tr. – thwarts, hinders, disappoints;
bawks –– 1. Cdn Nfld., greater shearwater, any of a number of seabirds of the family Procellariidae, related to petrels especially Puffinus gravis, which habitually skim low over the open sea with wings outstretched; 2. skimmers; 3. any long-winged marine birds of the genus Rynchaps that feeds by skimming over water with their knifelike lower mandibles immersed, hagdowns
bocks – of bock – 1. strong, dark, German beers; 2. leather made from sheep skin and sometimes substituted for morocco in book-binding
box – n. – 1. a rectangular container for holding solid objects; 2. a separate compartment – private seating for a small group, i.e. at a theatre; 3. a slap or punch, esp. on the ear; 4. any of various shrublike trees in Australasia, esp. those of several species of Eucalyptus; v. tr. – 1. put in or provide with a rectangular container; 2. surround or confine, restrain from movement; 3. fight