Homophones for baren, baron, barren

baren / baron / barren  [ˈbeirən]

baren – n. – a pad of twisted cord covered with paper, cloth, and bamboo leaf with which a printmaker transmits pressure typically by rubbing to paper laid on an inked woodcut

baron – n. 1. a male member of the lowest order of nobility in the several countries; 2. an important, influential businessman

barren – adj. – 1. unable to bear young; 2. unable to produce fruit or vegetation; 3. meagre, unprofitable; 4. dull, unstimulating; 5. (foll. by “of”) lacking in (barren of fruit); n. – 1. (in eastern N. Amer.) a tract of elevated flat land that supports shrubs and bushes but no trees; 2. Cdn (NB & NS) an expanse of marsh or muskeg