Homophones for berth, birth

berth / birth  [bɜrθ]

berth – n – 1. a fixed bunk on a ship, train, etc., for sleeping in; 2. a ships place at a wharf 3. room for a ship to swing at anchor; 4. sufficient room for a ship to manoeuvre; 5. sports – an opportunity for a team or athlete to compete; 6. informal – a situation or an appointment; 7. Cdn. Forestry – a specified area of timberland in which a company or individual is entitled to fell trees; 8. Cdn. NFLD – a particular area claimed by a boat on fishing ground; v. tr. – 1. moor a ship in its berth; 2. provide a sleeping place for; v. intr. – (of a ship) come to its mooring place

birth – n. – 1. the emergence of young from the body of its mother; 2. the beginning or coming into existence of something; 3. origin, descent, ancestry (i.e. noble birth); 4. attrib. – designating the parent who gave birth to or fathered a child; v. tr. N. Amer. – to give birth to; v. intr. – give birth