Homophones for
caudal, caudle, coddle, cottle, katel

caudal / caudle / coddle/ cottle / katel  [ˈkɑdəl]

caudal – adj. – 1. of or like a tail; 2. posterior part of the body

caudle – n. & v. – n. – a drink made usually of warm ale or wine mixed with bread or gruel, eggs, sugar, and spices, and often taken medicinally; v. tr. – to serve a caudle to

coddle – v. tr. – treat indulgently or over attentively, pamper; 2. cook (an egg) in water below boiling point

cottle – n. – 1. a band or wall typically of clay that encircles an object to be molded and determines the outer extremity of the completed mold; 2. a cylinder usually of waterproof paper used for retaining plaster of paris slurry around a mold or form

katel – n. – a wooden hammock used in Africa as a bed in a wagon