Homophones for
cense, cents, scents, sense

cense / cents / scents / sense [sɛn(t)s]

cense – v. tr. – direct smoke from burning incense at, esp. as a religious rite

cents – n. pl. of cent – 1. a monetary unit of various countries equal to 1% of a dollar or other decimal currency unit; 2. a coin of this value

scents – n. pl of scent – 1. distinctive smells; v. intr. – 1. to detect by smell; 2. make fragrant or foul-smelling

sense – n. & v. – n. – 1. conscious awareness or rationality; 2. a meaning conveyed or intended; 3. a particular sensation or kind or quality of sensation; 4. a definite but often vague awareness or impression; 5. a motivating awareness; 6. a discerning awareness and appreciation; 7. capacity for effective application of the powers of the mind as a basis for action or response; 8. one of two opposite directions especially of motion; v. – 1. to feel or experience something without being able to explain exactly how; 2. perceiving by means of sense organs