cinque / sink / sync (synch) [sɪŋk]
cinque – n. – 1. five, esp. in dice or cards; 2. pl. – change ringing on 11 bells that are treated as 5 pairs, the tenor bell added after each change
sink – n. & v. tr. – n. – 1. a fixed basin to collect fluids etc.; 2. a place of vice or corruption; 3. a pool or marsh next to a river; 4. (Physics) – a body or process used to dissipate heat; v. tr. – 1. fall or go slowly downwards; 2. penetrate beneath the surface; 3. gradually lose strength, value, quality, etc., decline; 4. cause someone or something to fail; 5. dig a well, bore a shaft; 6. engrave; 7. invest money
sync (synch) – n. – synchronization, well coordinated; v. – 1. cause to occur at the same time, synchronize; 2. simultaneous; 3. coordinate, combine, show uniformity; 4. operate in unison