Homophones for curdle, curtal, kirtle

curdle / curtal / kirtle [ˈkɜrdəl]

curdle – v. tr. & intr. – make into or become curds (separate the solids from the liquid portion, i.e., milk, blood)

curtal – adj. & n. – adj. – 1. obs. having a docked tail; 2. obs. made or being short: curtailed, curt, brief; 3. archaic wearing a short frock; n. – 1. obs. a short-barrelled cannon; 2. arch. an animal with a docked tail; 3. obs. a short-coated rogue; 4. a tenor or base musical instrument of the shawm or oboe type, also called dulcian; 5. an organ stop imitating the tone of this instrument

kirtle – n. archaic – 1. a woman’s gown or outer petticoat; 2. a man’s tunic or coat