Homophones for
dawks, docks, docs, dox

dawks / docks/ docs / dox [dɔks]

dawks- n.pl. -  surface depressions, small hollows or furrows

docs – n.pl. – 1. informal short for doctors; 2. documentaries; 4. Computing,  documents

docks – n. & v. – n.pl. – 1. ships' berths, wharves; 2.  artificially enclosed bodies of water for the loading, unloading and repair of ships; 3. the enclosures for the accused in a criminal courts; 4. various plants of the genus Rumex, with a spike of many small, green flowers; s v. – 1. tr. & intr. brings or comes into a dock; 2. tr. joins (spacecraft) together in space; 3. cuts short (an animal’s tail); 4. deducts from wages

dox - n. - 1. either physical or electronic documentation; 2. malicious online information; v. exposes a person's private information to cause them harm