fauld / foaled / fold [fo:ld]
fauld – n. – the tymp-arch or working arch of a furnace
foaled – past of foal – v. intr. – of a mare, etc., give birth to a foal
fold – n. & v. – n. – 1. the act or an instance of folding; 2. a line made by or for bending; 3. a bent part; 4. a hollow among hills; 5. Geology a curvature of strata; v. – 1. tr. bend or close a flexible thing over upon itself; 2. intr. become or be able to be folded; 3. followed by away, up, make compact by folding; 4. intr. informal often followed by up – collapse, disintegrate; 5. in certain card games, to quit a competition