Homophones for flair, flare

flair / flare [fleir]

flair – n. – 1. a special talent, aptitude or ability; 2. an instinct for selecting or performing what is excellent, useful, etc.; 3. originality, stylishness of dress, manner, etc.

flare – n. & v. – n. – 1. a dazzling irregular flame or light, especially in the open air; 2. a sudden outburst of flame; 3. a bright flame used as a signal of distress, etc.; 4. Astronomy a sudden burst of radiation from a star; 5. a sudden burst of emotion; 6. extraneous illumination on film caused by internal reflection in the lens, etc.; v. – 1. intr. & tr. burn or cause to burn suddenly with a bright unsteady flame; 2. intr. burst into anger; 3. intr. & tr. widen gradually towards the top or bottom