Homophones for flicks, flics, flix

flicks / flics / flix [flɪks]

flicks – n. pl. & v. – n. – 1. a light, sharp, quickly retracted blow with a whip; 2. a sudden movement or jerk; 3. a quick turn of the wrist in playing games; 4. a slight sharp sound; v. – 1. tr. strike, move or remove with a rapid action of the fingers; 2. tr. give a flick with (a whip, towel, etc.); 3. tr. activate a light, electrical appliance, etc., by flicking a switch; 4. tr. & intr. move rapidly back and forth

flics – n. pl. of flic – a Parisian policeman

flix – n. – 1. fur, down; 2. films, movies