Homophones for grate(s), great(s)

grate(s) / great(s) [grɛɪt]

grate – adj., n. & v. – adj. – pleasing, agreeable, thankful; n. – 1. a framework or lattice covering an opening such as a door, window or drain that prevents entry but allows the flow of liquids and air, also for holding fuel in a fireplace or furnace; 2. fish backbone; v. – 1. scrape, abrade; 2. confine with or put on a grid; 3. fret, harass, irritate

great – adj., adv., n., int. & v. – adj. – 1. large size; 2. full of emotion; 3. a long duration of time; 4. important, impressive; adv. – extensively, highly, loudly; n. – 1. thickness, magnitude, loudness; 2. one with high social status; 3. distinguished person; 4. an ancestor further removed i.e. grandmother, great grandmother; int. – expressing approval; v. – thicken, enlarge, increase