Homophones for lacks, lacs, lax

lacks / lacs / lax [læks]

lacks – n. & v. – n. pl. – 1. shortages, or absences of things required or desired; 2. insufficient supplies; v. 3rd pres. sing. of lack, intr. – needs

lacs – n. pl. of lac – resinous substances secreted by certain insects, used in the manufacture of shellac

lax – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. loose, open (of the bowels); 2. not strict or stringent; 3. not tense, firm, or rigid; slack, relaxed; 4. (of a speech sound) produced with the muscles involved in a relatively relaxed state; 5. negligent; n. – looseness of the bowels, diarrhea; v. tr. – relax, loosen