Homophones for lam, lamb

lam / lamb [læm]

lam – v. & n. – v. – 1. tr. thrash, hit; 2. intr. (followed by into) hit (a person, etc.) hard with a stick, etc.); n. – North American slang on the lam – in flight, especially from the police

lamb – n. & v. – n. – 1. a young sheep; 2. the flesh of a lamb as food; 3. a mild or gentle person, especially a young child; v. – 1. (of a ewe) give birth to lambs; 2. tend (lambing ewes)

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This has nothing to do with sheep unless as a metaphor for unthinkingly following a questionable lead.

Would you like to see slang etymologists fight it out? 

Just ask them for the origin of "on the lam" that's all it takes. Sit back and enjoy.

Keep in mind, that this phrase does not only apply to criminals or even human beings. Just ask Chewy, the alpaca, who had the RCMP hot in pursuit.


Folks domesticated sheep thousands of years ago. Those sheep had babies called lambs. We find them discussed in all sorts of areas from metaphors to a wide range of recipes. So much can be found in this simple term. We compare people to lambs, especially if they are gentle. 

With all the years that people and sheep have lived with each other, a rich history of relationships have developed. Such diversity!