mince / mints [mɪnts]
mince – n. & v. – n. – 1. meat or other ingredients that have been finely chopped; 2. a walk with many small steps; 3. broken or curt speech; 4. nonsense; v. – 1 grind, break-up or cut into small pieces; 2. tear, erode, nullify; 3. diminish, take away
mints – n. pl. & v. 3rd pres. sing. of mint – n. – 1. coins or large quantities; 2. places where coins are made; 3. aromatic herbs, Mentha spp., cultivated for culinary and medicinal purposes; 4. candies flavoured with one of these aromatic herbs; 5. very small insects; v. – 1. attempts, aims, intends; 2. thinks, mentions, alludes to