Homophones for
mussed, must, musth

mussed / must / musth [mʌst]

mussed – v. simple past and ppl. of muss – 1. made untidy or disordered; 2, ruffled; 3. tousled; 4. became involved in; 5. grappled with; 6. manhandled, treated roughly

must – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. essential, mandatory; 2. sour; 3. new, unfermented; n. – 1. freshly pressed grapes; 2. obligation, duty, compulsion; 3. mould; v. – 1. auxillary – be permitted do, compulsory, had to, was necessary to; 2. should be; 3. expressing insistent demand or resolve; 4. become mildewed or mouldy; 5. powder hair

musth – adj. & n. – adj. – 1. of large male mammals – in an unpredictable condition of heightened aggression and associated with a rise in testosterone; n. – this (often annual) state of heightened aggression