Homophones for nil, nill

nil / nill [nɪl]

nil – adj., adv. & n. – adj. – non-existent, consisting of nothing; adv. – not at all, no way; n. – 1. nothing, no amount, zero
Do Not Confuse With nil – n. [ni:l] 1. plants, Indigofera spp., which yield indigo dye or the pigment itself; 2. a type of morning glory with blue flowers

nill – n. & v. – n. – History 1. an instance of unwillingness; 2. aversion; v. – to be unwilling – was used as an auxillary verb complemented by the infinitive; 2. refuse, reject; 3. prevent from happening (expression will he, nill he may have developed into the modern willy-nilly for expression ambivalence – a thought)