Homophones for pan, paon, pawn

pan / paon / pawn [pɒn]

pan – n. – 1. panguingue (abbrev.), a card game that resembles rummy and is played with several packs of cards shuffled together; 2. a Chinese percussion instrument used for beating time, made of a number of wedge-shaped pieces of wood connected by a cord, one of which is struck against the others by flicking the wrist
Do Not Confuse With pan [pæn] – n. & v. – n. – a broad, shallow container of metal, usually having sides flaring outward toward the top, used in various forms for frying, baking, washing, etc.; – v. – to wash gravel, sand, etc., in a pan in seeking gold or the like

paon – n. – a peacock

pawn – n. & v. – n. – 1. the smallest piece in chess; 2. a person used by others; 3. something given as security for a loan, a pledge, a wager; v. – to give or deposit something as a pledge or security