Homophones for pat, patte

pat / patte [ˈpæt]

pat – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – opportune, suitable for the occasion; adv. – 1. readily, promptly; 2. glibly; n. – 1. a light stroke or tap with the hand often as an expression of approval; 2. a repeated tapping sound; 3. a small, flat mass of something soft; 4. the ruffed grouse, Bonasa umbellus; v. – 1. touch lightly with the hand; 2. propel (a ball) by hand; 3. flatten by hand; 4. dry by dabbing gently; 4. beat lightly (tap); 5. produce an answer

patte – n. – 1. a paw, a hand; 2. a short strap used in clothing