Homophones for
peak(s), peek(s), peke, pique(s)

peak(s) / peek(s) / peke / pique(s) [pi:k]

peak(s) – n. & v. – n. – 1. a pointed or tapered extremity; 2. a tip, a summit, a headland, a maximum point; 3. Nautical – the upper end of a gaff; 4. a pointed tool or implement such as a pitch fork; 5. in phonetics the most prominent sound in a syllable; v. – 1. slink, creep away; 2. wander dejectedly, mope, languish; 3. reach a maximum; 4. raise (oars, whale flukes) vertically out of the water

peek(s) – n. & v. – n. – 1. a quick, often furtive, glance; 2. a small point of light or flame; 3. a shrill note or bird cry; v. – look through a narrow opening or into an enclosed space; 2. give a furtive glance; 3. emerge a short distance into view; 4. make a light, high-pitched sound

peke – n. – a Pekinese dog, a small breed with long silky fur and a snub nose

pique(s) – n. & v. – n. – 1. a quarrel or feeling of animosity between two parties; 2. anger, irritation, resentment; v. 1. irritate, offend; 2. used in some card games to indicate a particular score; 3. stimulate, provoke, arouse
Do Not Confuse With pique [pi:ˈkei] piqué – adj., n., & v. – adj. – 1. fabric having a ridged or raised pattern; 2. having precious metal inlays; 3. cooking – well-marbled as in meat; n. – 1. a stiff cotton fabric with distinctive, woven, raised pattern; 2. precious metal inlay in ivory or shell ornament; v. – insert (before cooking) garlic, herbs or fats into meat/poultry/fish to add flavour