Homophones for
pencel, pencil, pensile

pencel / pencil / pensile [ˈpɛnsəl]

pencel – n. – 1. a small pennant, flag or streamer; 2. a lady’s token carried by a knight

pencil – n. & v. – n. – 1. a writing or drawing tool, often made of cylindrical wood with a graphite core (leads) but now also in many colours; 2. a small brush suitable for delicate work; 3. Zoology & Botany – a slender tuft of hair or bristles; 4. Physics rays that either converge on or diverge from a single point; v. – 1. decorate with a fine brush; 2. provisionally write something in a schedule; 3. sketch, outline, delineate

pensile – adj. – 1. suspended; 2. Zoology of birds or animals that construct hanging structures