Homophones for perches, purchase

perches / purchase ['pɜrʧǝs] 

perches – n. pl. & 3rd pres. sing. of perch – n.pl. 1. poles or stakes used for various supports; 2. poles used as river markers; 3. multiples of 5.03 meters; 4. a solid measure for stone that is 5.03 m long and contains approx. 0.7 cubic meters; 5. horizontal bars used for resting places for domestic birds; 6. multiples of any fish of the Perca spp. or similar species  used for food; v. 1. provides with navigational poles; 2. alights, settles on or rests on a bar; 3. sit in an elevated or precarious position; 4. examine for errors, scrutinize; 5. advance one’s position in a presumptuous way

purchase – n. & v. – n. 1. the action of buying something; 2. the action of seizing something, pillage, plunder; 3. a contrivance, an endeavour; 4. a means of making a living; 5. the acquisition of property or possession by legal means other than inheritance; 6. something that cost in terms of money, resources, emotions etc.; v. 1. attempt to bring about something; 2. cause, produce; 3. exert oneself to obtain a goal; 3. obtain, gain possession of…