Homophones for percy, pursey (pursy)

percy / pursey (pursy) ['pɜrsi] 

percy – n. – an effeminate man, a coward

pursey (pursy) – adj. 1. short of breath, wheezy;  2. corpulent; 3. puckered, wrinkled

Quotes for percy, pursey (pursy)


Seriously though, if someone casually told me “you’re being such a percy right now” I’d be legitimately offended.

~Book Three: Commentary on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2012) – Muggle Hustle (pen name)

pursey (pursy)

No such “Help” comes to the rescue in Lowell’s version, which begins, “At sunset only swamp / Afforded pursey tufts of grass … these gave…

~ “Stand and live”: Tropes of Falling, Rising, Standing in Robert Lowell’s Lord Weary’s Castle (2007) – Frank J. Kearful