Homophones for
pickle, picul, pikel (pickel) 

pickle / picul / pikel (pickel) [ˈpɪkəl]

pickle – n. & v. – n. – 1. fruits or vegetables preserved in a brine or vinegar base; 2. a plight, a predicament; 3. a troublesome person; v. – 1. preserve food using a brine, vinegar or other liquid; 2. treat or steep with a chemical solution such as an acid; 3. destroy; 4. eat sparingly, nibble

picul (picol, pikol) – n. – any of various weights used in south-east Asia especially the Chinese unit equal to 132.88 pounds or approximately 60.4 kg

pikel (pickel) – n. – 1. an ice axe; 2. a pitchfork, a hay fork