Homophones for piqué, piquet

piqué / piquet [pi:ˈkei]

piqué – adj. n. & v. – adj. – 1. fabric having a ridged or raised pattern; 2. having precious metal inlays; 3. cooking – well-marbled as in meat; n. – 1. a stiff cotton fabric with distinctive, woven, raised pattern; 2. precious metal inlay in ivory or shell ornament; v. – insert (before cooking) garlic, herbs or fats into meat/poultry/fish to add flavour

Do Not Confuse With pique [pi:k] – adj. n. & v. – 1. a quarrel, animosity; 2. anger, irritation; 3. a chigger or tick, Tunga penetrans; v. – irritate, offend, express resentment

piquet – n. – 1. a two-player card game using 32 cards; 2. a variety of carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus