Homophones for plait, plate

plait / plate [pleit]

plait – adj., n. & v. – adj. – braided; n. – 1. hair etc. that is braided with other pieces of similar length and width, a braid, a tress; 2. wrinkles or ridges caused by contraction of the underlying structures; 3. a complication, deception or snag; v. – 1. intertwine, form a braid; 2. double over, gather into pleats

plate – n. & v. – n. – 1. coinage; 2. tableware; 3. metal applied as a thin coating to a base; 4. Heraldry – a roundel; 5. braided threads of gold or silver used in embroidery; 6. a flat sheet; 7. Architecture – a horizontal beam used to support other structures; v. – 1. cover or overlay with a thin layer of metal etc.; 2. Surgery – use a flat thin piece to hold together fractured pieces; 3. make a stereotype for printing