Homophones for plum, plumb

plum / plumb [plʌm]

plum – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. choice, valuable; 2. soft, yielding, easily worked; n. – 1. the tree and edible drupe of Prunus domestica; 2. various trees and their products which resemble this; 3. slang a fortune; 3. a mass embedded in a matrix; 4. a purplish-red colour; v. – 1. swell up, become light and spongy; 2. satisfy especially with food; 3. fill with false information

plumb – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – vertical; 2. absolute, downright, true; adv. – vertically, perpendicularly; 2. directly, precisely; n. – 1. a ball or piece of lead attached to a line to determine the vertical also the line itself; 2. a sound for determining water depth; 3. an added weight to a weapon, clock, fishing line etc.; 4. a deep hole in a river bed; 5. a sudden dive into water; v. – 1. fall or rise vertically; 2. determine the depth; 3. think about, examine or explore in depth; 4. make or test the vertical; 5. add weight; 6. supply with pipes for water and drainage