Homophones for polar, poler, poller

polar / poler / poller [ˈpo:lɜr]

polar – adj. & n. – adj. – 1. pertaining to the earth’s extreme northern or southern regions – the poles; 2. of clothing to be worn in extreme cold conditions; 3. something that is aligned with the magnetic poles; 4. of forces that act in opposite directions; n. – 1. Geometry - the straight line joining the two points at which tangents from a given point touch a conic section; 2. a prism; 3. multiple meanings in different branches of science

poler – n. – 1. a person who propels a boat using long rods or poles; 2. a scrounger, a shirker

poller – n. – 1. a plunderer, a pillager; 2. a barber, someone who cuts hair; 3. a person who votes in an election or a person who registers voters