Homophones for pole, poll

pole / poll [poʊl]

pole – n. & v. – n. – 1. a long, slender, cylindrical piece of wood etc. used for various purposes; 2. a linear measure of land, approximately 5.03 meters; 3. either end of the axis upon which the earth rotates; 4. a pivotal or fundamental aspect of something; 5. an edible, North American flatfish, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, similar to flounder; v. – 1. carry crops on rods; 2. support with rods; 3. propel or push using rods; 4. render magnetic by application of a strong electrical current

poll – adj., n. & v. – adj. – cut, shorn, cropped; n. – 1. the scalp; 2. the head of a person or animal; 3. the blunt end of a miner’s pick or similar tool; 4. a count of people, a census; 5. the result of an election; 6. a hornless breed of domestic animal; v. – 1. shave, shear, cut hair; 2. remove the top; 3. rob, plunder, extort; 4. count or be counted; 5. record a vote; 6. ask the opinion of a person or group