Homophones for poor, pore, pour

poor / pore / pour [pɔr]

poor – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. lacking a certain standard of possessions, qualities etc.; 2. deficient; 3. insignificant, of little consequence; n. – 1. needy or destitute people; 2. those in need of assistance; 3. a small marine fish, Trisopterus minutus, found off western Europe; v. – 1. impoverish; 2. diminish in quality etc.

pore – n. & v. – n. – 1. an opening to a duct or gland in the skin; 2. a duct or passage; 3. a trace left by a stag; 4. a close or careful examination; v. – look or gaze intently

pour – n. & v. – n. – 1. a stream, a constant flow; 2. a heavy rain; 3. an amount of liquid; v. – 1. cause something to flow out of a vessel; 2. squeeze into a tight fitting area; 3. discharge, send forth in great numbers; 4. act without restraint