Homophones for
praise, prase, prays, preys

praise / prase / prays / preys [preiz]

praise – n. & v. – n. – 1. the action or expression of commendation, laudation, honour, esteem; 2. a laudatory utterance; 3. formal or ceremonial recitation honouring someone; 4. expression of admiration, gratitude, worship; v. – 1. proclaim or commend the excellence or merits of another; 2. honour; 3. glorify through worship, ceremony, ritual or song

prase – n. – quartzite, a type of green quartz

prays – n. pl. & 3rd pres. sing. of pray – n. – 1. wooden pegs used in thatching; 2. supplications, requests; v. – 1. makes an earnest, formal or fervent petition; 2. entreats, beseeches; 3. petitions for a specific outcome

preys – n. pl. & 3rd pres. sing. of prey – n. – 1. people or animals that are hunted or plundered; 2. provisions, rations; 3. victims; 4. troops; v. – 1. hunts, plunders, pillages, robs; 2. takes by force; 3. exploits, swindles