Homophones for pries, prise, prize

pries / prise / prize [praiz]

pries – n. pl. & v. 3rd pres. sing. of pry – n. – 1. small leafed lime trees, Tilia cordata; 2. coarse grasses or sedges, Carex spp.; 3. inquisitive actions; 4. crowbars; v. – 1. forces open; 2. obtains or extracts with difficulty; 3. scrutinizes; 4. seeks out private information

prise – n. & v. – n. – 1. the blast of a hunting horn; 2. the seizure of goods or property for the use of the governing authority or a duty levied in lieu of this; 3. the quantity of medicine to be taken at one time, a dose; 4. a lever or leverage; 5. reproof or rejection; v. – 1. move by leverage; 2. pack or compress tobacco etc. into a box

prize – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. related or pertaining to winning or achieving a goal; 2. excellent or outstanding; 3. unrivalled; n. – 1. a reward, trophy, symbol of victory or accomplishment; 2. an award; 3. things captured or seized in battle or competition, plunder; 4. seizure; 5. an event to determine a champion; v. – 1. value, appraise; 2. esteem highly; 3. commend; 4. seize, capture, confiscate