Homophones for prince, prints

prince / prints [prɪn(t)s]

prince – n. & v. – n. – 1. either a king, a royal son, grandson or brother; 2. one who is preeminent in a given area, the greatest or best; 3. a powerful, wealthy man; v. – 1. behave regally, with integrity; 2. confer the title of prince on someone

prints – n. pl. & v. 3rd pres. sing. of print – n. – 1. impressions or designs made by stamps or stencils; 2. indentations or marks made by pressure; 3. traces, indications, images, likenesses; 4. distinctive influences; 5. symbolic marks; 6. something bearing an impression; v. – 1. makes an impression or image; 2. marks; 3. commits something to writing; 4. moulds, forms, casts; 5. records fingerprints; 6. produces text