Homophones for psi, sey, sigh, sye

psi / sey / sigh / sye  [sai] 

psi - n.– 1. the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. the symbol used to designate paranormal phenomena; 3. an elementary particle described in physics in 1974 with a spin of 1, zero hypercharge, zero isospin and negative parity  

sey – n. – 1. part of a bovine carcass; 2. the opening into which a sleeve is inserted; 3. North Atlantic coalfish, Pollachius virens, a gadoid food fish

sigh – n. & v. – 1. a prolonged, barely audible expiratory sound often associated with discouragement or disappointment; v. 1. emit such a sound; 2. make a sound suggestive of such an expiration; 3. feel sorrow or regret; 4. lament quietly

sye – v. – 1. strain; 2. drip, drain