Homophones for raffes, raffs, rafts

raffes / raffs / rafts [ræfs]

raffes – n. pl. of raffe – topsails set above lower triangular sails

raffs – n. pl. of raff – 1. jumbles, junk; 2. disreputable people; 3. mixed lumber; 4. short for the plant Nepenthes rafflesiana, a type of pitcher plant

rafts – n. pl. & v. 3rd sing of raft – 1. rafters; 2. logs or planks joined together for floating; 3. small water crafts especially those used on a river or for rescue; 4. a large amount of something; v. – to join things together for floating from ship to shore, i.e., kegs; 2. waterfowl gathering together on open water; 3. forcing into overriding layers; 4. unsettle, rouse, disquiet