raik / rake / wrake [reik]
raik – n. & v. – n. – 1. the act of going for a walk or journey; 2. a pastureland; 3. a stretch or reach of a river, used for salmon fishing; v. – 1. graze; 2. make one's way, set out
rake – n. & v. – n. – 1. an implement consisting of a toothed bar fixed across the end of a long handle, used for drawing together hay, grass, etc., or levelling and smoothing the surface of the ground; 2. a very thin person; 3. a steep narrow path up a hillside, ravine; 4. mining a principal vein of ore that is more or less vertical; 5. a fashionable or stylish person of dissolute or promiscuous habits; 6. a share of the winnings, profits, etc., of an enterprise, esp. an illicit one; v. – 1. direct, guide, rule; 2. falconry to fly along after a quarry; 3. draw or drag with a rake; 4. behave in a dissolute, debauched manner
wrake – n. & v. (rare) – n. – wreckage; v. – to subvert, overthrow, seek vengeance on, discard