Homophones for

raise / rase / rays / raze / rehs / reis / res [reiz]

raise – n. &v. – n. – 1. an increase in amount or elevation; 2. a mound; v. – 1. to lift up, restore; 2. construct; 3. nurture; 4. honour

rase – n. & v. – (rare) – n. – 1. a levelled measure; v. – 1. to pluck or snatch away; 2. to slash or scratch; 3. to scrape, erase; 4. to attack quickly; 5. of dogs, to snarl

rays – n. pl. & v. 3rd present sing. – n. – 1. stripes; 2. grooves in a rifle barrel; 3. flat fish from the order rajiformes; 4. light lines and their uses; 5. spangles; v. – 1. arranges, prepares, disposes; 2. emits

raze – n. & v. – n. – 1. a scratch or cut; 2. a type of clay slat found in England; v. – 1. to erase or obliterate; 2. to scrape, graze or shave.

rehs – n. pl. of reh - mixtures of soluble sodium salts appearing as an efflorescence on the ground in arid or semiarid regions in India

reis – n. – a Portuguese coin or monetary unit in Portugal formerly used in Portugal and Brazil.
Do Not Confuse With reis [rais] – n. – a Middle Eastern ship’s captain or type of ruler

res – n. – indicating a particular object or point usually in a legal context