Homophones for
rapped rapt, wrapped

rapped / rapt / wrapped [ræpt]

rapped – adj. & v. – simple past and past participle – adj. – 1. pertaining to rap music; v. – 1. struck; 2. knocked; 3. made a loud noise

rapt – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. transported spiritually; 2. carried away by force; 3. removed from one place to another; 4. deeply absorbed; n. – 1. trance, rapture; 2. the act of being carried away by force; v. – 1. enrapture; 2. transport; 3. carry away by force

wrapped – adj. & v. – adj. – 1. concealed, covered; 2. involved with, complicated; 3. characterized by absorbed attention; 4. enclosed in packaging; v. simple past and ppl. – 1. enveloped, covered; 2. dressed in protective clothing; 3. surrounded by; 3. embraced; 4. encompassed; 5. finished; 6. entwined; 7. engrossed