Homophones for ray, re, rea

ray / re / rea  [rei] 

ray - adj., n. & v. – adj. made of striped cloth; n. 1. a type of striped cloth; 2. a streak or line; 3. any flat, cartilaginous fish of the order Rajiformes or Batiformes; 4. darnel grass, Lolium temulentum; 5. a narrow beam of light, also used figuratively; v. 1. travel along narrow beams either of light or thought; 2. arrange, prepare, make oneself ready

re - n. 1. music - the second note of the hexachord scale developed by Guido d’Arezzo, also in the later major scale and fourth note of the minor scale; prep. in the matter of referring to, subsequently,

Do Not Confuse With re [ri:] – chem. the element rhenium

rea – (rei) – n. 1. a Portuguese unit of currency from the 15th century until 1911 when it was replaced by the escudo; 2. an account unit in the earliest  English monetary system in Mumbai equal to 1/4ooth of a rupee

Do Not Confuse With rea [ri:ə] – n. a defendant in Roman, civil and canon law