Homophones for relic, relict

relic / relict [ˈrɛlɪk]

relic – adj. & n. – adj. – in biology and geology, respectively, a species or a landform surviving from a previous age or in changed circumstances after the extinction or disappearance of related forms or structures; n. – 1. physical remains or belonging of a person consider exemplary and preserved in their memory; 2. artefacts held sacred by a culture or religion; 3. a memorial, souvenir, memento

relict – adj. & n. – adj. – 1. abandoned, deserted, allowed to remain undisturbed; 2. land deposits; n. – 1. the surviving partner in a marriage especially a widow; 2. a remnant; 3. remains either physically or linguistically, culturally etc. i.e. a living fossil