Homophones for retch, wretch

retch / wretch [rɛʧ]

retch – n. & v. – n. – 1. a piece fastening the plough to the beam; 2. an involuntary effort to vomit; v. – 1. guide, lead; 2. attempt to clear the throat or lungs, cough; 3. expel from the body either by vomiting or coughing

wretch – adj., n. & v. – adj. – deeply afflicted, poor, miserable; n. – 1. one banished, an exile; 2. one in deep distress or misfortune; 3. a despicable or reprehensible person; 4. a tiny (either of size or status) person or creature – often used playfully; v. – 1. render miserable; 2. become miserly or stingy