Homophones for review, revue

review / revue [rəˈvju:]

review – n. & v. – n. – 1. a careful or formal inspection; 2. looking at material for better understanding, correction or improvement; 3. a general survey of a subject; 4. formal assessment of a procedure or policy; 5. a retrospective survey of actions or results; v. – 1. law – subject a ruling to reassessment by a higher court; 2. look at or study again; 3. correct or improve; 4. survey either in the present or past; 5. re-examine, assess; 6. summarize usually with commentary

revue – n. – 1. a series of short (often satirical) theatrical presentations performed consecutively; 2. intricate musical shows containing unrelated performances; 3. a medley of songs, recent events and short skits done as light entertainment