Homophones for rho, roe, row

rho / roe / row [ro:]

rho – n. – 1. the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. astron. – the 17th star of a constellation; 3. statistics – a correlation coefficient; 4. in physics, a neutral meson that produces two pions on decay; 5. in genetics, a protein factor in Eschericha coli involved in transcription termination at specific sites

roe – n. – 1. small Eurasian deer of the genus, Capreolus; 2. fish or shellfish spawn; 3. mature fish testes containing sperm and milt; 4. grain markings in a piece of wood which appear as short streaks

row – n. & v. – n. – 1. a straight line of plants or boundary etc.; 2. a string or series of things; 3. a long strand of fibers drawn out for spinning; 4. the act of moving a boat using oars; v. – 1. move a vessel through water using paddles or oars; 2. make one’s way over a long distance; 3. send out rays, shine; 4. mix by stirring
Do Not Confuse With row [raʊ] – adj. n. & v. – adj. violent, harsh; n. – 1. the quality of being rough; 2. a noisy, often violent altercation or controversy; v. – 1. raise a nap on fabric; 2. attack, tease or torment; 3. cause a commotion or disturbance; 4. berate, reprimand