Homophones for
rhos, roes, rose, rows

rhos / roes / rose / rows [ro:z]

rhos – n. pl. of rho – 1. the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet in multiples; 2. statistics – correlation coefficients; 3. in physics, neutral mesons that produce two pions each on decay

roes – n. – 1. small Eurasian deer of the genus, Capreolus; 2. fish or shellfish spawn (small fish eggs); 3. mature fish testes containing sperm and milt; 4. grain markings in a piece of wood which appear as short streaks

rose – n. – 1. numerous plants, their oil derivatives, wood and their flowers of the genus, Rosa; 2. related genera; 3. a matchless person, a paragon; 4. as an emblem of England; 5. a light reddish or pink colour; 4. the skin infection, erysipelas; 5. multiple variations based on this flower used as symbols and engravings; v. – 1. turn deep pink, blush; 2. perfume or flavour with oil from these flowers; 3. past tense of rise – get up from a sitting or lying position, become upright physically or morally, bring the dead back to life, rebel – be roused to action, come into existence

rows – n. & v. – n. pl. of row – 1. straight lines of plants or boundaries etc.; 2. strings or series of things; 3. long strands of fibers drawn out for spinning; 4. the acts of moving boats using oars; v. 3rd pres. sing. of row – 1. moves a vessel through water using paddles or oars; 2. makes one’s way over a long distance; 3. sends out rays, shines; 4. mix3s by stirring
Do Not Confuse With rows [raʊz] – n. & v. – n. pl. of row – 1. a noisy, often violent altercations or controversies; v. 3rd pres. sing. of row – 1. raises a nap on fabric; 2. attacks, teases or torments; 3. causes a commotion or disturbance; 4. berates, reprimands