Homophones for rick, rikk, wrick

rick / rikk / wrick [rɪk]

rick – n. & v. – n. – 1. a stack or pile of hay, corn etc.; 2. a rectangular stack of wood; 3. shelves for storing barrels; 4. a trench; 5. a muscle injury in the back; 6. a rickshaw – a light, two-wheeled hooded vehicle; 7. a accomplice in deception; v. – 1. form into a heap; 2. wrench, strain

rikk (riq) – n. – 1. smoke produced by smouldering material; 2. a Middle Eastern percussion instrument similar to the tambourine, a daff, also spelled riq

wrick – n. & v. – n. – a sprain; v. – 1. move unsteadily or with jerky movements; 2. sprain or strain a muscle