Homophones for riffed, rift

riffed / rift [rɪft]

riffed – v. past and ppl. of riff – 1. played short repeated pieces or themes in jazz or popular music; 2. improvised on a theme or topic; 3. leafed through a work

rift – n. & v. – n. – 1. a cloak, curtain or veil; 2. the action of tearing or splitting; 3. a release of gas from the body; 4. a set of rapids in a stream or river or surf on the shore; 5. overgrowth on a horse’s hoof; v. – 1. split or crack open; 2. divide, cleave; 3. speak suddenly; 4. belch; 5. return of an unpleasant memory; 6. exaggerate, brag