Homophones for
right, rite, wright, write

right / rite / wright / write [rait]

right – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – 1. straight not crooked; 2. faithful, accurate; 3. righteous, just; adv. – 1. immediately, directly; 2. vertically, upright; 3. completely; 4. without hesitation; n. – 1. correct, just, the accepted standard; 2. one’s responsibility or privilege; 3. honourable, morally correct; 4. the true interpretation; 5. a position of reference opposite to left; 6. a group with conservative views; v. – 1. make straight; 2. remain true and just; 3. raise up; 4. recover one’s bearings; 5. correct, restore; 6. vindicate

rite – n. – 1. a prescribed observance of a religious ceremony; 2. custom or practice of a specific group whether religious or not

wright – n. & v. – n. – 1. a skilled craftsman especially in construction; 2. what one deserved, fault, blame; v. – 1. build, construct, renovate, repair; 2. learn to be a tradesman

write – n. & v. – n. – 1. a non-verbal record or document, a writ; 2. calligraphy; v. – 1. score, etch, draw characters to convey or record a meaning; 2. enter a record using a pen, stylus or other method (also electronically); 3. translate into another language; 4. compose a manuscript; 5. enter data; 6. take an examination; 7. convey information by letter, correspondence