Homophones for roset, rosette

roset / rosette [ro:ˈzɛt]

roset – adj., n. & v. – adj. – scented or flavoured with roses; n. – 1. resin; 2. rosin used on violin bows, etc.; 3. a pink pigment; v. – rub with rosin to strengthen the fibers

rosette – n. & v. – n. – 1. in metallurgy, pure, pinking copper formed by sprinkling water over the surface of the molten metal; 2. in architecture, a decoration designed to resemble a rose; 3. ornaments or decorations made to represent roses; 4. specific types of diamonds formed when the facets are cut in contrast to the brilliant; 5. Geology a mineral crystal aggregate; v. – 1. cover, adorn or award with objects resembling roses; 2. Pathology form reddish pink circles on the skin