Homophones for roud, rowed

roud / rowed [raʊd] 

roud - n. & v. – n. of fish – the act of spawning; v. of fish - spawn

rowed – v. past tense and ppl. or row – 1. raised a nap on fabric; 2. fought roughly, teased , tormented; 3. berated, reprimanded

Do Not Confuse With rowed [rəʊd] adj. & v. – adj. 1. a body marked with slashes especially bloody ones; 2. agric. – having a specified number of kernels in an ear; 3. a boat propelled by oars; v. past tense and ppl. or row – 1. moved a boat with paddles or oars; 2. sent out beams of light, shone; 3. stirred, mixed; 4. flowed, streamed